
在万博网页版登陆页派4B上布署Codesys MC SL

liuqingsheng 发表于 2019-10-25 09:43:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最新发行的万博网页版登陆页派4B架构在Cortxt A72 * 2+A53 * 2  ,基于ARM V8指令集 ,具有4G内存 ,德国3S公司发行的CODESYS最新版本3.5.15.10目前可以完美支持 PLC CNC MOTION HMI ,二者结合,运行非常快,速度不逊于X86架构。


目前常见的PLC厂家有:SIEMENS、Rockwell、Schneider、Mitsubishi、Beckhoff、GE、Omron、台达......但常用的PLC编程语言都是相似的,比如LD、ST、FBD、CFC、IL、GRAPH等,CoDeSys支持LD、ST、IL、FBD、CFC等,用CoDeSys可以学习多种PLC编程语言,也可以向其他PLC编程软件切换,比如TwinCAT2和SoMachine就是基于CoDeSys开发的。用Raspberry Pi代替工业现场使用的PLC便于学习和各类研究等。

CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi MC SL 包含一个用于所有raspberry picodesys控制应用程序,包括计算模块以及使用扩展模块和多个带有spii2c1线通信接口的设备/分支的能力。




CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi MC SLCODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi SL contains a multicore capable CODESYS Control runtime system for all Raspberry Pi models whose CPU has multiple cores, including compute modules (see http://www.raspberrypi.org/), as well as their possibility to use expansion hardware such as Raspberry PiFace Digital, Raspberry Pi Camera and various devices/boards with SPI, I2C or 1-wire interface.

BenefitsAfter the installation of the runtime environment, the Raspberry Pi can be programmed as PLC with the CODESYS Development System.

This product can be installed with the included CODESYS Deploy Tool plug-in via the CODESYS Development System on a Linux distribution Raspbian. After each restart the runtime system will be started automatically. If no valid full license can be found, CODESYS Control runs for two hours without functional limitations before shut down.

Detailed information can be found in the Online Help.

  • CODESYS OPC UA Server, as full version for data exchange
  • CANopen via EL6751 Gateway

  • The CODESYS device description does support the following components:

  • Raspberry Pi Camera
  • I2C interface, with SenseHat, SRF02, Adafruit PWM, MPU6050 Gyro, MPU9150 Gyro, AK8975 Compass
  • SPI interface, with MCP3008, MCP23S17, PiFace Digital, PiFace Control Display
  • One-wire interface, with DS20B18
  • GPIO

  • Visualization
  • CODESYS WebVisu, is included as full version in the delivery of the runtime package.

  • Fieldbus supportWith the delivery of the Runtime Package the following fieldbuses are supported:

  • Modbus-TCP Master / Slave
  • Modbus RTU Master / Slave
  • EtherNet/IP Scanner / Adapter
  • PROFINET Controller / Device
  • EtherCAT Master
  • CANopen Master / Slave
  • J1939

  • Further products can be licensed for a fee:



    The following sample projects are located in the installation directory (for example C:\\Users\\<name>\\CODESYS Control for Raspberry PI\\\\Examples).
  • [url=]WebVisu project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]Project engineering of the camera module[/url]
  • [url=]GPIO project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]PiFace Digital project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]I2C project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]A/D converter MPC3008 project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]Port expander MCP23S17 project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]1-Wire project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]Servo motor project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]EtherCAT project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]OPC UA project engineering[/url]
  • [url=]Project Engineering with the Sense HAT[/url]

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