上市不久后在Farnell element14订的万博网页版登陆页派真的会在五月六月才能收到货么?
如果你预计三四月份内会收到货,但是却收到来自Element14/Premier Farnell 公司的一封邮件,说发货推迟了,请不要失望:其实,它是一个误会。就此事情,我们已经联系了FARNELL公司,并且他们回复了说,相关问题的解释已经附加到公司网站的“RASPBERRY PI常见问题集合”里面。
1、关于万博网页版登陆页派/raspberry pi 发货日期
Q:我收到一封来自Farnell element14的邮件,说我的发货日期改为五月或者六月,真的是这样的吗?
Frequently Asked Questions about Raspberry Pi
UPDATED AT 7:30am CST, March 6
Raspberry Pi Delivery Dates
Q: I got an email from Farnell element14 stating that my delivery date for the Raspberry Pi I ordered is now into May or June, is this correct?
A: Sorry! We updated the data in our system so that new customers placing their pre-order would be advised of the delivery date at the end of May or beginning of June.If you originally had an estimated delivery date in March or April, your delivery estimate is still as per the original communication. 如果国内有这么大的市场,技术公开,可以考虑组一个团找电子厂来生产一批吧。。